Friday, May 29, 2009

big boy bed

we've finally moved blake into a big boy bed!! i honestly was dreading this transition because he was having such a hard time going down for naps and bedtime in his crib, and he couldn't climb out of that, so i thought there was no way he would stay in a bed that he could easily climb out of! i guess i need to give my little guy a little more credit, because from the moment we set it up he has loved going in and sleeping on his 'big boy bed.' he doesn't climb out of it, even in the morning, he waits for us to come open his door and get him before he gets out! i'm sure it helps that he LOVES his new CARS sheets and blanket too (by the way he is now obsessed with that movie!). Thanks to grandpa and grandma who bought him his new bed and sheets.... he loves it!


Jenni said...

Kachow! :) Hard to believe how fast he is growing!

House of Stiles said...

You are a brave one! I told the girls they would be 10 before I let them out of their cribs:) What a good boy for staying in!

kaitlyn said...

i am so impressed with this development... i can't even tell you! YEA Blake!!!

Jayme said...

Put Karlee in with him and I bet he comes out by himself :)

Vashti said...

What a fabulous bed! That is so great that he is being such a good big boy!

Peter and Lesha said...

that is so awesome I do that all the time like with nursing I swore I would not be able to ever stop and I thought Carson wouldn't make it with out and after one day he was fine:) that's funny I think Brax was his same age when he became obsessed with Cars. it's a cute movie so it's ok:) so glad the transition was easy I can only hope for the same for Carson , I guess I need to kick him out of our bed first though??

Anna said...

I love his bed! Where did you find it?

THE CONKS said...

Who knew that transition could be so easy?? His room looks great!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your family pictures- they are absolutely gorgeous. Your friend is very talented- I wish I had that talent! Your blog is darling too- and are you sure you should be impressed with Ella since what she did at your house on Saturday???? :)!

teage-and-erin said...

Oh goodness you are brave. :) We are going to have to make the transition soon also, and I am completely dreading it! The Cars sheets would probably work for us too though....hmm...

Jaime said...

Wow!! Good job Blake...what a big boy. I LOVE your family pictures on the side of your blog...BEAUTIFUL!!