Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

That of course means..... more baseball games!! The night before my dad's birthday we went to the Tacoma Rainiers game, Blake was facinated with the mascot (it's a Raindeer in case you were wondering)....... until he got too close!

He just kept telling Rhubarb "BYE, BYE, BYE!" it was so funny!

The next day was Dad's actual birthday, so we went to the Mariner's game! We even got his name up on the big screen.....

He also got some Sara Evans tickets and UW golf gear, thanks to their newest employee (Marilyn)!


Peter and Lesha said...

Funny, poor little guy he is so sweet. Glad you had fun I haven't been to a game in soooo long I love to go basically to people watch though.

kaitlyn said...

wow! what a birthday! too bad he had to get old in order to get his name up on the screen. jk.

poor blake. he looks so sad, and i bet you were laughing at him.

I miss you!!!!!